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What Should I Do With My Refund?

6 Jan

Happy 2020, Boilermakers! As we enter this new year, we also enter a new semester. This means that if you receive a financial aid refund, you should be seeing it sometime this week (provided all requirements are complete).  Having trouble thinking about how to budget your refund? Follow these tips for success:

Budget what you need for rent. If you live in an apartment, you probably receive a larger financial aid refund for the payment of rent and utilities. Since you already know how much your rent costs each month, consider setting the money aside for spring semester rent and putting it into a separate account. Or, you can even pay ahead so you do not have to worry about it. Either strategy works; the important part is that you have the rent money where you know you will not accidentally dip into it. There is nothing worse than getting to the month of May and realizing you did not budget correctly for your living expenses!

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Purchase your textbooks and supplies. Since that refund is there for educationally related expenses, be sure to do just that – use it for your education! If you have textbooks to purchase (or rent) and need notebooks, more printer paper, etc., now is the time to grab those items. It may be easier to stock up for the whole semester, so make a list of what you need and get that expense out of the way!

Write a spending plan based on last semester. While your cost of living can always vary, you can generally expect to have similar costs from last semester. How much did you spend on utilities, groceries, and toiletries? Make a simple list with cost estimates, and try to create a monthly or weekly budget based on those numbers. Then, track your spending. Whether it be through an app, Excel spreadsheet, or writing it out the old-fashioned way, do whatever it takes to stay on track with your budget or adjust when needed.

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Think about items not in your spending plan. While you do budget for the basics, is there a bigger purchase for school you need to make this semester? Maybe you are from a much warmer climate and need to break down and purchase a proper winter coat and boots. Or, maybe you realized you really missed owning a toaster at home and need one for your apartment. Whatever it may be, search for some deals and make the purchase if it is something you truly need for this semester.

Set aside a certain amount for fun. While eating at your apartment or residence hall saves money, every college student goes out now and then. Whether in an envelope or separate account, set up your “fun money” fund. Definitely do not put all of your extra money here, but do give yourself the allotment for ordering pizza or heading to the movies. You will not feel as guilty doing so if it is already built into your budget!

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Plan for future earnings. If you are working part-time while in school, plan for what your future earnings will cover. Do they go towards rent, or are they simply for your “extras?” Knowing where future earnings will go will also help you stay on track with your budget, and figure out what is top priority now with your refund.

We hope these categories help you as you think about your budget for the spring semester!

Finals Week: Let’s De-Stress!

9 Dec

Ah, finals week. Not only are you studying and trying to finish out a semester, but you are probably pumped for holiday break and need to get packing.

If only there were some ways to de-stress…

Don’t worry, Boilers, we have you covered! Do any of these activities, literally just taking 5 minutes away from your tasks, to regroup and be more productive and less stressed in the end:

Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Sounds fancy, but this is a simple and free way to relax your entire body. You may not realize it, but you’re probably pretty tense right now! Find a quiet place and lie down. Starting with your head and face and then working your way down, contract or “flex” each muscle in your body for five seconds, and then slowly let go. Complete the same sequence in your shoulders, arms, abdomen and so on, ending with your feet and toes. This exercise also works like magic when relaxing your body at bedtime!

Visualization. It does wonders for the mind, and you can visualize to relax yourself, or to feel more positive about and prepared for the future. For relaxation: Close your eyes and imagine a serene place. You may have visited this place or it may be somewhere you have always dreamt of going. Ask yourself: What does this place look like? What does this place sound and smell like? What are you doing while in this space? Allow yourself to dwell in this place engaging all of your senses while breathing deeply. For the future: Set aside all of your worries about the future, no matter how hard that may be. Envision whatever you have been thinking about, happening exactly the way you want it to. You are rocking your summer internship, earning tons of extra spending money at your summer job, making amazing friends while studying abroad. Whatever it is, be specific about what you want and play it out in your head. Research on neuroplasticity proves that we can actually change the structure of our minds by doing activities like this often enough, truly rewiring our brains for success!


Mindfulness Meditation. To practice, find a quiet room where you can have five minutes to yourself. Sit or lie in a comfortable position with your back straight, set a timer and close your eyes. Focus on your breath by being mindful of the air entering and leaving your nostrils or by focusing on your chest and stomach rising and falling. If your mind wanders, don’t fret! Simply, come back to your awareness of the breath and continue to focus on the sensations the breath produces. Mindfulness is a hot topic these days. Universities are teaching entire mindfulness courses, and there are many apps available to teach you how to get started on your mindfulness journey. A couple of apps you might find interesting are Headspace and The Mindfulness App.

Get some facts on happiness. Do you ever wonder why you are pushing yourself so hard? Or what happiness actually looks like? Professor Laurie Santos at Yale had the same thoughts, which is why she developed the course, “Happiness and the Good Life” (PSYC 157), or as students like to call it, “How to be Happy.” Reading about happiness tools is a great mind shifter, and can help you remember your goals, and also how to maintain happiness, even during these busy times. You can read course materials and take Yale’s Happiness course for FREE! Here is a bit more on the course:

There are even universities developing entire academic programs around the concept. The University of Pennsylvania’s Applied Positive Psychology program was among one of the first in the nation, and their cutting-edge research is helping people and communities construct meaningful lives.

Practice gratitude. Have you ever tried keeping a gratitude journal? Sometimes the best way to re-orient ourselves, is to simply think of what we are thankful for. Take 5 minutes to write ten things you are grateful for today, whether that is your health, your family, the weather, your good cup of coffee, the fact that you are fortunate enough to even be at Purdue worrying about your finals – anything. You’ll immediately start to see the benefits of this exercise! Time and time again, research shows that gratitude will improve your health and overall quality of life.


Whatever your chosen technique for eliminating stress and relaxing may be, we wish you all the best during finals week and hope you carry these exercises into your daily life!

Saving on Summer Utilities

1 Jul

Raise your hand if you have turned on your A/C! Many of us have now that it officially feels like summer. After the frigid cold we experienced in Indiana this year, the warmer temperatures have sure been welcome. For those of you all too familiar with Indiana weather, though, you know that when it gets hot, it is very hot. And unfortunately, very humid as well.

Many people are fine with layering when it is cold, but NEED that air conditioning on when it is hot. Sound familiar? It can be a challenge to figure out when to turn your air on, especially when you probably waited to turn the heat on and were saving some money by doing that. You do not want to be miserable during the summer months, so here are some tips to avoid astronomical utility bills while still having the A/C on:

Use your fans. Ceiling fans can give you a great breeze during the summer if they are set the right direction. Additionally, you can find inexpensive small fans at the store that you can move from room to room to give you maximum coolness wherever you are in your house or apartment. Remember, if you feel the breeze, it can cool you down! If not, you are wasting electricity. A properly placed fan will make you feel better, and eliminate the need for turning the A/C far down.

Shut unused vents. Do you have a barely-used room, or a roommate that moved out for the summer? Close the vents! You are just paying to keep a room that no one uses cool if you leave the vent open.

Gather your candles (for the dark). If it is a 100-degree day, there is no way you are compromising the inside temperature. But if you still want to save on utilities, consider turning the lights off. Really, you can do this any time to save. Turn the light off when you leave the room, or when you are watching a movie. Make a night of electricity-saving fun by bringing out those candles, just like you did during childhood when the electricity went out during a storm. You can direct your utility budget to cooling the house or apartment, and it will be cooler when it is darker anyway. It’s a win-win!


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Get out of the house. You don’t need to have air running if you are not there, so turn it up for a little and take a field trip! Maybe you have a friend who has utilities included at their apartment, or are visiting family. Stores are always super air-conditioned, so even if you are not shopping, you can certainly window-shop or take a walking lap around the mall, all while keeping cool.

Program that thermostat. As mentioned above, there is certainly no need to have the air running so much when you are not home. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to run when you are home and have a higher temperature set for during the day when you are not there. If you cannot program your thermostat, you can simply make a habit of turning it up a bit when you leave, and turning it down when you get home. It will take a matter of seconds and can be easily snuck in to any morning or afternoon routine.

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Unplug. Do you leave your phone charger plugged into the wall by your bed all day, even when you only charge up at night? Is the toaster plugged in when not in use? What about your laptop? If it is in the wall and not a power strip, it is using electricity! Take an extra second after using something to unplug it, especially if you are going to be gone, and you will not be wasting electricity.

Save on laundry. Washing your clothes is not an option for you, but more of a requirement (we hope). However, drying your clothes in the dryer is not! To save some energy you would be using for your dryer, consider hanging your clothes to dry on a clothesline or drying rack. If outside in the breeze or on a drying rack by a window, your clothes will smell fresh and probably be in better shape than if you would have stuck them in the dryer. No shrinking!

Open the windows. While sunny, Indiana summers can be scalding, summer nights can be refreshing. If it is not too humid and there is a good breeze, consider opening your windows at night and then turning the air on during the day. You will have around 8 hours of savings at least if you are able to keep your windows open all night. If you do switch to air in the morning, just remember to shut all of your windows. As you may have heard your grandparents or parents warn, you do not want to be paying to cool the entire neighborhood!

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Anyone else wish this was your current view?

We hope you keep cool this summer, Boilermakers!

STAR and the Division of Financial Aid

11 Jun

Hey new Boilermakers, are you excited for your STAR (Summer Transition, Advising and Registration) day? STAR is a program that helps you get acclimated to Purdue by allowing you to meet your academic advisor, attend interest sessions, pick out your classes, and so much more. The Division of Financial Aid is available to answer your questions on these days! Want to speak with someone from our office or get financially prepared for Purdue? Here’s what you can do:

Attend a Paying for Purdue presentation. The Division of Financial Aid and Office of the Bursar team up in this interest session to give you the inside scoop on paying for Purdue. We will go over setting up authorized users, borrowing educational loans, invoices, and other helpful information. There are two sessions available each STAR day, one at 11:30 and one at 12:30. All Paying for Purdue presentations are held in WALC 1055. Stop by and you may even come home with some fun prizes (we like to try to make financial aid exciting)!

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The Paying for Purdue presentation will be held in the Wilmeth Active Learning Center, or WALC for short. 

Stop by our office. Whether you have specific questions or just want to see where we are located for future reference, you are more than welcome to visit! The Division of Financial Aid is located in Schleman Hall, Room 305. We have walk-in hours on STAR days, with counselors available to assist families and students from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST. If you have any concerns about financial aid, your STAR day is a great time to address those.

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This is what Schleman Hall looks like, and we are located up on the 3rd floor.

Explore campus. We also encourage you to explore campus on your STAR day! The Division of Financial Aid strives to promote financial literacy, helping students learn about budgeting, credit, and making wise financial decisions. This is a great time for students to see nearby stores and restaurants, what student discounts they offer, and where it might make sense to grab a meal if they are not eating in the dining courts. Being prepared knowing a few different stores and resources around the area can set students up for budgeting success, and help both student and families survey the cost of living in the Greater Lafayette area.

View the below video for more information on STAR and becoming a first-time Boilermaker:


For more STAR information, including information about the day’s schedule and parking, you can head here.

We look forward to seeing you and hope that STAR prepares you academically, financially, and socially for a great Purdue experience. Boiler Up!

Saving on Summer Travel

30 May

Summer is here, and it finally even feels like summer! While many of you will work, have an internship, or even attend courses during the summer, you will also want to get away. Can you travel without spending a fortune? Absolutely. Here are some tips for your summer getaway(s):

Explore close to home. When people think of vacations, they usually picture themselves on a beach in Hawaii or eating gelato in Italy. While these are great experiences, do not forget that you may be overlooking some hidden gems close to right where you are. What is your nearest major city or town? If it’s only a matter of up to a couple hours driving, consider taking a day or weekend trip. You will save on gas if it is not a cross-country road trip, and not even have to worry about spending money on a flight. Take a look at sites like TripAdvisor and see what people visit when they go to that city. Example time: If you are in Central or Northern Indiana, consider popping up to New Buffalo, MI right across the border! There are great ice cream shops and restaurants, a beautiful beach, a trendy whiskey distillery, and more. Here is a list of other gems to visit in the Midwest.

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New Buffalo, MI

Center a trip on an event. Interested in going to a concert or baseball game this summer? If you are planning to attend an event, make a day or weekend of it and add a lunch spot or trip to the nearest zoo. Often these add-ons can be very cost-effective, but really make it feel like you got away.

Compare, compare, compare. If you are planning a trip where you will have to make a reservation of any sort, whether that be plane, train, or hotel, be sure to take a look at all available resources. For example, you may find a better deal on a site like than the hotel’s actual website. There are also comparison sites like Trivago that will search across the internet to show you every possible price for what you are viewing. As long as it is a trusted, verified website, doing your homework and coming out with the best deal will get you ahead!

Do not spend too much money before your trip. Whether it’s a weekend or a trip that will be two weeks long, try to only purchase the essentials before leaving. It can be tempting to buy 5 new outfits, new sunglasses, new luggage, etc. However, you might kick yourself later for blowing your budget when you wish you could spend a bit more on dinner or purchase a nice souvenir. Grab what you need for your trips, but try not to go overboard so you can have fun on your trip.

Save on where you stay. Hotels can get pricey, but there is always a great deal if you go the camping or Airbnb route. Often, Airbnb has some beautiful houses and apartments that you will not believe cost as little as they do. If your trip is on the outdoorsy side, see if there is a place nearby you can camp. Even if it is a cabin you are renting so you are not totally roughing it, it will probably save you tons of money.

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Airbnbs are usually beautiful!

Do not go out for every meal. It is so fun to explore when you are on any trip and see what the city has to offer in terms of food and drink. While it is so easy to live in the moment and buy everything in sight, remember that you do not want to be staring at your bank account wide-eyed in a month. A good rule of thumb is to eat one meal in, have one lighter meal, and splurge on another meal. It can look any way you’d like, but a typical way to split this up is by eating breakfast in (whether your hotel offers breakfast or your pack some breakfast items), grabbing a rather inexpensive lunch (stopping at a sandwich place instead of an Italian restaurant), and treating yourself at dinner (springing for that lobster!). Do what fits in your budget. By not eating out for every single meal, you will save money and enjoy the splurge meals even more. You will also keep track of what you are spending much more easily.

Hopefully these tips will help you not only save money while vacationing, but view a getaway slightly differently. It’s all about the experience you create that will make any trip, near or far, feel like a vacation!

You Graduated! Now What?

21 May

Congrats to all the Class of 2019 graduates! It is exciting and rewarding to finish your undergraduate journey. After living the college life for four or more years, though, it can be a bit frightening entering the “adult world.” What do you need to know or think about now? Follow this list to set you up for success post-graduation:

Know what educational loans you have borrowed. We will get the most-dreaded topic out of the way now. While no one ever wants to think about student loan repayment, knowing your situation and what is expected of you is one of the first ways you can guarantee successful repayment. You do have a 6-month grace period after graduating before you need to start repayment on federal loans (and many other loans as well). Your servicer should contact you when it is time to start paying, but to get ahead of the game, check out the National Student Loan Data System. Once you enter your information at this site, you will be able to view each federal loan you borrowed during your educational career. It will also show you who your servicer is. There are multiple servicers for federal loans, but typically, you will only be assigned one servicer and will navigate to their website/phone service to make a payment for all of your loans. Logging into that servicer’s website will allow you to view how much you will owe with interest if you opt for the standard repayment plan (which is 10 years, and everyone is placed on that by default), or help you play around with what different payment plans will look like for you. The bottom line: Educate yourself about your loans, and ask as many questions as you need. Loan servicers are helpful in finding the right repayment plan for you and addressing your concerns, so do not be scared to reach out to them. This is true, too, if you have borrowed private loans (like Discover, Sallie Mae, etc.). Log in to those websites and ask your questions to be sure you are knowledgeable and comfortable with your payments.

Student Loans

Check your credit score. This is most likely the time in your life when you will be building credit. Go ahead and check your score free with Credit Karma or Experian, and play around on those sites to see what makes up your score. The next few years may find you getting a mortgage, auto loan, and more, and it is important to be prepared for what the future may bring. To continue to build credit, remember to make timely payments on anything you pay, and to never max out a credit card or do anything else that may paint you as a reckless spender.

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Know your other debts. Student loans are typically the most common debts among recent graduates, but sometimes there are other debts you may have forgotten about. Did you use a credit card for groceries or restaurant visits throughout college and still have a balance sitting there? Empty your wallet, and make sure you know what you owe on any card you may have. Try to pay off your entire balance each month, and at least make your minimum payments. The less consumer debt you have, the better your credit score will be, and your ability to repay student loans.

Women's wallet with money

Set your budget. Hopefully you had some experience creating a budget in college. While you may be able to use the foundation and methods from your original budget, you will need to rework your budget to match your life now. Do you have different living expenses? This could include moving into an apartment near or far away, or moving back in with parents for a time. Obviously, this can either make your budget for housing lower or higher, so take into account what you now have to pay each month. Along with that, observe your utility costs for the next few months to get a rough estimate of what you might need to budget for that part of your living expenses. Be mindful that everything you had included in a dorm or college apartment – like cable, garbage services, and internet – are probably not going to be included wherever you go next. See what services you need and can afford, and adjust as you get used to your new situation. Often, students graduate college and may not be used to making as much money since now they are working full-time jobs. It is great to see that income coming in, but just remember that there are also more expenses associated with adult life. Use the same principle as you may have with your financial aid refund or part-time paycheck – do not blow it all at once or in one place!

Start saving. We know, you just graduated and your head is spinning with all of these expenses, and we are bugging you about saving?! It does not have to be much at first, but try to start putting a small portion of your paycheck into a savings account or tucked away spot where you can have it for later. Whether it be car repair, appliance issues, or a doctor visit, you may have to cover and deal with more emergencies in your adult life than you had to in college. Having some savings for those unexpected expenses can make situations much less stressful. There are many strategies for saving, so find what works for you.

Piggy-Bank version 1

Again, congratulations to our graduates! We hope you can think about these topics to get ahead in your adult life, and set yourself up for success.

Accepting Awards on myPurdue: What do I need to do?

10 May

Hey, freshman! Transitioning from high school to college is exciting, but can also get a bit overwhelming with all of the tasks you need to complete. Many students and parents call and email us each day, wanting to know how exactly that financial aid is going to get to where it needs to be. Here is a breakdown of what you need to do (in the form of frequently asked questions):

How do I view my award offer again? Most of you have probably done this at least once by now but if you need a refresher, log in to your myPurdue account, and navigate to the Financial Aid tab. Here, you will choose Award for Aid Year under the Financial Aid Awards section. Then, select the academic year you need to view (2019-2020 currently), and you will see your aid displayed under the Award Overview. This includes grants, scholarships, and federal loan eligibility.

How do I accept awards? Is there a deadline? There are two important things you need to know about accepting your awards: Not every award has to be accepted, and there really isn’t a hard deadline for accepting awards. Grants and scholarships (awards that are gift money to you, and something you do not have to pay back) are automatically put in Accepted status, so there is no action required on your part. The only awards that need to be actively accepted on myPurdue are self-help awards, like loans and Federal Work Study (FWS). To accept (or decline) an award, just toggle over to the Accept Award section, and you can select Accept or Decline. When you select Accept, a box will pop up, and you are able to put in a partial amount if you would like. If you want the full award, just leave it blank.

I’m unsure if I want to accept a loan. Do I have to accept or decline along with my other awards? You do not have to accept or decline awards right away. While you should accept what you know you will use before the semester starts so it can credit your invoice, there is no harm in leaving an award in Offered status if you are unsure. You are able to still go back and make the decision on it, even if you have previously accepted and declined other awards. Maybe come October you see how everything has worked out and decide you do need that loan money – just accept it then. The only time it really becomes a problem is when the academic year is ending. Otherwise, awards are free to accept throughout the year.

I declined something I wanted to accept! What do I do? Simply give us a call at 765-494-5050 or email, and we can put that award back in Offered status for you.

If I have accepted an award, is there anything else I need to do? Be sure to check if you have any outstanding requirements. This is a very important step that some people miss, and it can make you panic if you are near the start of classes and not seeing your financial aid credit your invoice! When you are in the Financial Aid tab in myPurdue, navigate to the Financial Aid Requirements section. This will list anything outstanding you need to do before your aid can be disbursed. Typically, this will be a requirement attached to a specific loan or scholarship. For example, first-time borrowers of federal loans must sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and go through loan entrance counseling. Both are done online, and fairly simple to complete. Other requirements may be a thank-you note for a scholarship, additional documentation the department may need, etc. Moral of the story: Just check the requirements, and there will be instructions and a link explaining exactly what you need to do, and exactly where you need to go to do it. Emails are often sent as well to remind you of outstanding requirements.

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We hope this crash course in accepting awards on myPurdue was helpful. Stay tuned this summer for posts about applying for additional loans, payment options, the details of federal loans, and more. If there is a topic you would like covered, let us know in the comments!

Returning Students: Maintaining Merit Scholarships

6 May

If you are a merit scholar at Purdue (meaning you receive either the Presidential, Trustee, or Emerging Leader Scholarship) it is always good to review renewability criteria to be certain you are on track. The Division of Financial Aid has started entering those scholarships now for 2019-2020, so this is the time to brush up and get some of those questions answered!

For returning students to renew merit scholarships, the following must happen:

-Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

-Be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours or more).

When is GPA looked at? Cumulative GPA is checked when spring grades post. If you do not meet the GPA requirement at this time but are enrolled in summer classes, your GPA will be checked again once summer grades post. If your GPA is then at or above 3.0, you can receive your scholarship in the fall.

When is enrollment status looked at? Enrollment status is checked at the beginning of each semester in the fall and spring. If you are not enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, adding a class will ensure you can still receive your scholarship.


You may already see your merit scholarship listed in myPurdue for the 2019-2020 year. We recently sent an email explaining a few scenarios since we are entering the scholarships now. Below are the answers to the most asked questions:

Why do I see my merit scholarship but not the rest of my financial aid? If you are a returning student and not enrolled in summer classes, you will be notified of your financial aid award in mid-summer. This is when you will see your full eligibility for all scholarships, grants, and federal loans. The only returning students that have all of their aid currently showing are those taking summer classes, as they were notified of their aid for summer, fall, and spring all at the same time.

Others are seeing their merit scholarships in myPurdue, but I am not. Why? If you do not see your merit scholarship listed for the 2019-2020 year yet, it is because you did not meet the renewability criteria at the end of the fall semester. Once spring grades post, the scholarship will be added if the GPA component is met at that time. If it is not but you are enrolled in the summer, GPA will again be looked at once summer grades post. Being above a 3.0 by the end of summer will allow you to receive your scholarship for fall 2019.

As always, be sure to check your Purdue email, as important information regarding your merit scholarship will be communicated there for you. Have a great summer, Boilermakers!

Summer: Getting Ahead Financially

26 Apr

Can you believe summer 2019 is right around the corner? It’s exciting to end another year and look forward to some relaxation ahead! Do you find yourself spending a little more in the summer? Whether you are going on vacation or ice cream runs, it usually seems like money slips away easily as the weather gets warmer. Here are some ways you can actually get ahead financially this summer, in preparation for the following school year:

Work. We had to put the most obvious one first, right? Summer is a time of year when you may have fewer classes or no classes, so it’s also a perfect time to earn some money you can save for when you are busier with school. Whether it’s an internship or temporary summer position, there are many paid opportunities for students in the summer. Use your free time to work more than you’d be able to during the school year, and be sure to put a lot of the money away.

Take summer courses. Even if you do not want a full load of classes during the summer, check into your options for taking some needed courses. Strategically using summers to also get schoolwork done could keep you on track if you think you may be going over four years, or potentially place you in a spot to graduate early. Either way can save you college costs in the end!

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Pick up some odd jobs. Whether you work, attend school, or do a combination of it all this summer, return to some of the odd jobs you may have done in the past as well! If you are back at home in particular, this is a great time to babysit or mow lawns for families you may have worked for in the past. With it being lighter later and people needing extra help, you may be able to do something that doesn’t quite feel like work, but still makes you money!

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Start that side hustle.  Whether you have thought of starting a blog or knitting blankets to sell, some free summer time could be just what you need to get your side hustle up and running. Take the time to read articles about whatever you’re doing, check into craft fairs, or try your luck at selling your items on a third party site. If your side hustle is providing a service, like doing make-up for special occasions or starting a dog walking business, start lining up some clients and see if it’s something that you like, and is profitable. You never know until you try!

Deal hunt. With classes, homework, studying, and all other responsibilities students have during the academic year, it can be hard to find time to shop, let alone shop for deals. Is there something specific you know you may need for moving back in next year? Hit up yard sales, flea markets, and discount stores as you have the time, and see if you can find that mini-fridge for a great price, or stock up on your shampoo for the year.

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Sell unwanted items. As you pack up stuff from your dorm or apartment, and if you are back home where you may have more things stored, take some time to go through everything. Whatever you no longer want or need may be exactly what someone else is looking for, and you could make some money off of it! Have a yard sale, take gently used clothes to secondhand stores like Plato’s Closet, or even try the buy and sell Facebook pages in your area! While selling your used items will not make you rich (do not expect someone to pay you close to what you paid for an item if it is used), it can definitely put some spare change in your pocket you can save for a rainy day next year, and your life will be less cluttered.

Evaluate your financial situation. Summer is also a good time to sit down and review your finances. Know what student loans you have taken out (you can look up federal loans here), what your credit card situation looks like, and budget out for the upcoming year. Sometimes just being aware and educated on your finances is the best step to keep them in order.

There’s lots of fun to be had this summer. If you take the time to get financially prepared for the next academic year as well, you can sail in stress-free and ready for another spectacular year being a Boilermaker!

Employer Spotlight: Urick Concessions

17 Apr

Company/organization name: Urick Concessions

Location: We are based at the Indiana State Fairgrounds – 1202 East 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205


What does your company/organization do? Urick Concessions is a family-owned food service company based at the Indianapolis State Fairgrounds. We employ dozens of people throughout the year in part-time positions, such as cooks, cashiers, food runners and bartenders. We partner with several high profile events throughout the Indianapolis area during the year, including the Indianapolis 500 and the Indiana State Fair.

How can students benefit from working with your company/organization? Working for Urick Concessions is a great opportunity for students to make a solid wage and have a flexible schedule. We understand how busy a student is during the school year and into the summer, so we try to make it as easy as possible to work within their schedule. We teach our team the value of great customer service and cleanliness. We’re a company that thrives in a high volume, extremely busy environment. We can teach people how to manage, perform and thrive in high-pressure situations.

What skills are needed to be successful? We look for someone who is honest, friendly and who can show up on time. We are a high-volume business, so we need people who can be fast on their feet and don’t mind being on their feet for long periods of time. We want team members who also don’t forget those personal touches, like smiling and also remembering to say “please” and “thank-you.”


What are you looking for in potential employees? We are looking for students who aren’t afraid to show their personalities. We love to employ people who are outgoing and not afraid to be themselves. We want hard workers, but we also want our students to have a good time and a great experience.

How can students apply for positions? Students can apply online at

What is great about working at Urick Concessions? We pride ourselves on being a small family business that takes care of their staff. It’s a company where you will see the owners working just as hard as any crew member. A company really likes to take care of their own. We look out for each other and we enjoy being around each other. Overall, we’re a hard-working company that likes to have fun.

Include anything else you would like to say: I can’t stress how much we try to work with students and their busy lives. We want to be very accommodating to everyone we hire. Obviously, we have scheduling needs that have to be fulfilled, but we will go the extra mile to make it work for us and also for our employees.